4 Tips for Managing a Cluttered Inbox

Email Management, Inbox Management

We all use email for different purposes, and along the line, our inboxes are filled with loads of messages to read and respond to, which can be taxing. 

Imagine having over 200 emails to sort; that will take time and effort. However, there are a few strategic approaches you can use to organise your inbox.

Here are four essential tips that you can implement to get effective results on your email.

  • Prioritise and Categorise

The first step to defeating your overload inbox is to establish a clear system of prioritisation and categorisation. You have to start by sorting your emails into distinct folders based on their urgency, significance, or topic. There are email platforms that will allow you to create folders and filters for the automatic organising of your incoming emails.

  • Set Clear Boundaries

Establishing boundaries when receiving messages in your email inbox serves as a unique strategy for maintaining a clutter-free inbox. This is done by assigning specific times during the day to check and respond to emails rather than reacting constantly to each notification.

You can set an alarm as a reminder to help you achieve this. This will help you stay focused on other essential tasks without being interrupted by the constant influx of messages.

Another strategy to set boundaries is by setting up an autoresponder during specific periods. In your set-up, you will indicate when you will be available to respond to emails.

  • Unsubscribe and Declutter

Many people love to get information at ease, and because of this, they subscribe to too many newsletters, website updates, promotional emails, etc., without knowing that these updates will contribute significantly to a cluttered inbox.

The solution is to go over your inbox and unsubscribe from irrelevant or unnecessary mailing lists. Unsubscribing will reduce the magnitude of incoming emails and ensure that the messages you receive align more with your interests and priorities.

Another step to decluttering your inbox is regularly archiving or deleting old and non-essential emails. This will help you not to miss important emails.

  • Utilise Filters and Automation

Filtering is a great technique to keep your inbox organised. It is easy and simple; all you have to do is set up filters that will automatically organise and route emails based on sender, subject, or keywords. This feature is available on the Google Gmail App.

We have created an Instagram tutorial on how to use filters and automation. Click on here to learn.

In conclusion, managing your cluttered inbox requires you to have a combination of organisation, discipline, and knowledge of tools to make it a simple and easy process.

Using the tips we have shared, get onto your email, implement them and watch as your productivity and focus level improve.

You can check out Sisi Manager on Instagram for other tips on managing your workspace.

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