5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity


In today’s professional landscape, completing dedicated tasks and ending the day with quality output is a great measure of productivity. Additionally, outperforming your last performance doesn’t happen overnight. It takes conscious efforts to achieve this result. 

Here are 5 tips to boost your productivity effortlessly. 

  • Do not Multitask: Contrary to popular belief, multitasking slows down your pace and makes you less productive. It leads to ‘task switching cost’, a term psychologists use to describe the negative effect of switching between tasks. Multitasking increases your mental demand, especially when it is a routine pattern. Additionally, multitasking makes you more prone to errors. It takes you time to finish up and an extra time to correct errors. To achieve better results, it is best to allot time blocks to several tasks. 
  • Turn Off Smartphone Notifications: The function of a cellphone has evolved beyond phone calls and text messages. While it can be a powerful productivity tool, it can also be your biggest distraction. Responding to the little beep that comes up every minute can hamper your productivity. To boost your productivity, put your phone away while working. This helps you stay focused. In addition, you can always set a time block to attend to your chat or messages.
  • Gamify Your Goal: You can become more productive by turning your goals into a challenge or competition. This approach motivates you to win and achieve more. For each goal you aim to achieve, attach a point and reward, bigger goals could have larger points that can be broken down into smaller quests with points. For example: Bigger Goal – Book Project, Smaller Quests – 150 points in total, Brainstorm book idea (20 points), Create an outline (20 points), Write your first draft (20 points), etc. The aim of this theory is to positive reinforcement that motivates you to do more. 
  • Maintain a Routine That Works: Starting your day with a routine is a productive hack that declutters your mind. It could be waking up early, doing light exercise, drinking coffee immediately you get to the office, scheduling your meetings for Mondays, etc.  A routine helps you stay organised and focused on what to do at a time, making it easier for you to stay on top of your tasks. Figure out a routine that works best for you and stick with it. However, be flexible enough to adjust your routine especially whenever you feel stuck in a rut.
  • Know When You are Unproductive:  Sometimes, you may feel too busy yet unproductive. Productivity is not tied to activities but results. It’s important to know when activities aren’t producing the results you desire. When this happens, take a break or a walk. This may sound counterproductive especially when you are faced with a deadline. However, staring at your computer screen will only waste more time. 

In conclusion, measuring productivity goes beyond ticking off your task list. Productivity is a reflection of your effectiveness and efficiency in accomplishing your goals or tasks. When you feel unproductive, step away or redirect your energy into a task that is less mentally tasking. 
What’s more? You don’t have to get it all done yourself, you can simply delegate to a professional Virtual Assistant to save time and achieve better and faster results. Reach out to Sisi Manager to learn more about Admin support services.

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